The California Review of
Images and Mark Zuckerberg

Being an academic examination of the visual culture of Mark Zuckerberg
Tim Hwang, Editor


Volume Two || Summer 2018


Parsa Sanjana Sajid - "Zuckerberg, Disease, and Technology"

On the attempt to cure all disease.

Mike Rugnetta - "Mark Zuckerberg Looking at Things"

On the Candid Campaign Photo Op.

Kelly Pendergrast and Anna Pendergrast - "Visible Invisible Man"

On Mark Zuckerberg, atemporality and visual boredom.

Nick Parish - "An Accident Arriving from the Weakness of Others"

On Mark as Marlow, and seeing beyond mass media colonialism.

Danae Valentina - "Incompetent Design Against Digital Colonialism"

On ending up on a billboard in Paraguay.

Benjamen Walker - "Zuckerberg in China"

On huffing pollution and closing the deal.

(Volume One Available Here)